Welcome to the Home of Donegal Athletic Club.

An all-volunteer, nonprofit 501(c)3 organization raising funds to support Donegal Athletics. Your membership makes a difference for student-athletes. [DAC is a private, independent organization having no legal ties with Donegal School District.]

DAC’s New and Improved Website

Learn how you can help Donegal Athletics continue to thrive by becoming a member.

Recent News


Donegal tees off a new golf team in their first competition

https://www.fox43.com/article/sports/local-sports/donegal-indians-new-golf-team-first-competition/521-6e3fec7f-d28e-467b-b425-183c051041ab The Indians are excited to make school history as they take to the course. CORNWALL, Pa. — The high school fall sports season is underway, and a new team

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Upcoming Events

Jan 17
Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony
Donegal High School Auditorium - 1025 Koser Road

Honor Roll of Donors

The Honor Roll of Donors recognizes contributors who have donated to become a member of {organization}. Thank you to all of our generous donors for their ongoing loyalty and support.

Become a member today to add YOUR name to the Honor Roll!